Kuva chakkurr. The [Kuva Chakkhurr] small radial attack has a low 30% damage drop off and can proc [Internal Bleeding] slash damage if you choose an impact [Kuva Chakkhurr]. Kuva chakkurr

The [Kuva Chakkhurr] small radial attack has a low 30% damage drop off and can proc [Internal Bleeding] slash damage if you choose an impact [Kuva Chakkhurr]Kuva chakkurr  Kuva Chakkhurr: General Use by The-Simulacrum-Warriors — last updated 2 years ago (Patch 30

Kuva Eidolon Hunter Chakkhurr. A Grineer hammer, designed for Tennogen. Toxin builds into gas and corrosive which are the 2 best elements imo. This weapon deals primarily Impact damage with the Internal bleeding this wepons surpasses expectations Cazy Power damage !!!!!The Kuva Chakkhurr is obtained from either vanquishing a Kuva Lich or trading from another player, a Kuva Lich that they conquered. It’s name is Thwacker, but in Grineers distorted langauge. Galvanized Chakkurr, 1 Million Burst DPS. Here I've organized data collected from trade chat over the last 5 days in an ongoing effort to help players evaluate their own rivens. Copy. CRITICAL CHANCE 50%. Kuva Chakkhurr is extremely powerful headshot machine with AoE. 2 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr Build by nearQ - BOOOM HEADSHOT! V3 New war update - Overframe. The Kuva Kohm variant has a higher fire rate than the original. However that does not make +impact desirable just that it's not as bad on the kuva chakkurr riven as on other rivens. This semi auto. Looking for tips on a kuva chakkurr build. ago. Toxin is best in slot (Unless you're using it as an open world boss rifle for some reason). Warframe. Elephant Gun. Sourced from official drop table repository. 2 comments. BOOOM HEADSHOT! V3 New war update. 2 meter punch through. 98 Kuva Chakkhurr Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. 3. Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. The Warframe Wiki would list 36-37 runs as expected and 71-72 runs as nearly guaranteed becouse of its 90% and 99% policy. Posted March 17, 2020. ago. Votes 20. Kuva Chakkurr - Viral - 6 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by NightHaunter - Updated for Warframe 32. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by sakai4eva. 9. 6; FormaKuva Chakkurr Build Advice . Chakkur - 4 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by facundo87 - Updated for Warframe 30. price: 1 platinum ⬌ Max. 3. Kuva Bramma and Zarr are ubiquitous in this game currently. Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by sakai4eva. Votes 20. El arma puede ganar rango adicional después de polarización límite en el rango 40. Add a Comment. 1) 15 4 54,870. Edit Edit source View history Talk (0) Main article: Lich System/Progenitor . Kuva Chakkhurr guide by THeMooN85. CRITICAL MULTIPLIER 2. Behold, the elephant gun. Chakkurr already has forced impact procs with the explosion so no need to buff the impact damage. Copy. Headshot Hunter -. Chakkur. Headshot Hunter -. But if you want to go full status on a non-melee weapon I'd consider it a downside, as on those you'd typically want to proc corrosive, gas, and/or heat as often as possible and rad will lower that chance. Kuva Nukor guide by GodOfMisfortune. Never liked the chakhurr. en. IGN: NoMoreFAIL, MR32, PC. ACCURACY 100. With a heat roll, you can build for rad as well as vir/heat very easily. I feel like it needs some major upgrades to compete with Kuva Chakkur. Copy 49 VOTES 4 COMMENTS ITEM RANK 40 18 / 80 Orokin Reactor APPLY CONDITIONALS KUVA ELEMENT ACCURACY 100. The base stats allow us to build both crit and status as chakkhurr is fairly decent with 50%Crit and 27%Status at base. Kuva Chakkhurr. BOOOM HEADSHOT! V3 New war update. Toxin is used for most progenitor elements, as it easily opens up to the most useful combos: gas, viral, corrosive, toxin. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by BabenisBest. 2; FormaShort; Guide. Votes 21. Orokin Reactor. 5; FormaLong; Guide. APPLY CONDITIONALS. Higher fire rate, magazine capacity and reload speed. Galvanized Chakkurr, 1 Million Burst DPS. Element Progenitor Warframe* Impact Baruuk • Gauss •. Has a mastery rank requirement of 15. Kuva Eidolon Hunter Chakkhurr. This weapon deals primarily Puncture damage. 17. This Grineer bow delivers vengeance in the form of clusterbomb-tipped arrows that can be detonated mid-air or on impact. chakkhurr with a juicy negative impact riven mod on it. Hello there, As per Wiki:. Higher Fire Rate and Magazine Capacity. The best element is toxin for the innate bonus. 5; FormaShort; Guide. 47M Average Hit/ 1. . Edit: I don't headshot things. "Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. Kuva Eidolon Hunter Chakkhurr. ITEM RANK. Bosses Hemocyte Infested Deimos Carnis Deimos Carnis Rex Deimos Genetrix Deimos Jugulus Deimos Saxum Deimos Saxum Rex Zealot Baptizer. 5 threshold for Internal Bleeding. Radiation and cold both do bonus damage to alloy armor, making this good against alloy armor. Probably less, if you're not shooting it at the floor under your feet, so lets say a bit less than. Kuva Chakkhurr. Votes 21. You may not know the true potential of Xata's W. Orokin Reactor. RELOAD 3. If I had it, I'd replace Hunter Munitions with Internal Bleeding, since the Kuva Chakkhurr has a forced impact proc on its shots and is slow-firing enough that it would go from 35% slash proc chance to 70% slash proc chance. The explosion also bypasses line of sight requirements, hitting enemies behind cover and through walls. 0) 15 2 65,730. {} = innate damage types. 5 COMMENTS. sadly, Nataruk, despite its pretty crit stats and ability to headshot multiple enemies like the Plasmor and its sick af design, has trouble when used with Harrow, because of his firerate buffs working against the Nataruk's perfect shot mechanic. Not to be equal but to be more different. I should have used rolling guard on zephyr and subsume ensnare to zephyr 1st or 2nd ability and i shouldn't have used attack mods in my smeeta, if i did it w. This Lich-variant semi-automatic hand cannon delivers a lot of punch in a small package. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by THeMooN85. 6 mod modifier but +0. Galvanized Chakkurr, 1 Million Burst DPS. ago. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. It fires explosive rounds that deal immense damage, even more so on headshots, at the expense of a low fire rate, slow reload speed, and limited ammo reserves. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. A Kuva Larvling is a unique Grineer enemy that can spawn on any regular level 20+ Grineer mission. Probably my favorite Semi auto primary in the game. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by BabenisBest. Other Kuva Chakkhurr builds. 3x. Like a much bigger AoE. Votes 6. BOOOM HEADSHOT! V3 New war update. . . Hm, points taken, regarding being a rifle instead of sniper. 2. The Kuva Grattler is the Kuva variant of the Grattler archgun, with higher critical chance, critical multiplier, and status chance, doubled magazine size, and doubled ammo regeneration in Archwing or Necramech combat, but sacrifices damage and some atmospheric reload speed. 4; FormaShort; Guide. 3Kuva chakkurr: impact theory internal bleeding help can’t stop theorycrafting - 3 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by Fishboi - Updated for Warframe 33. sniper ammo). Update 31. Mastery Ranking, commonly abbreviated as MR, is a method of tracking how much of the game's total content a player has experienced with points earned by ranking up Warframes, Weapons, Companions, K-Drives, Necramechs, and Archwings with Affinity; successfully completing Junctions and nodes on the Star Chart; and ranking up. 2; FormaShort; Guide. 5; FormaLong; Guide. Votes 141. ITEM RANK. Mar 14, 2023. BG Music : Inova - Lift Me. Considering that it takes about 25% base crit chance to reach 100% crit with point strike and argon scope or 40% base crit chance with just point strike, it seems somewhat balanced at first glance, assuming you. If you like this build, give it a 👍 to help out! Notes. When secondary afentis DE. Innate multishot of 7. BOOOM HEADSHOT! V3 New war update. 6. Kuva Chakkhurr Build 2020 (Guide) - Standard & Eidolon Hunting Builds (Warframe Gameplay) Along with the Kuva Lich system we got a whole bunch of weapons. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by seaga. This time I chose a Kuva Chakkurr because I had heard that it was very powerful. Forged at the behest of the Worm Queen herself, this already powerful shotgun now has the additional ability to fire from all four barrels simultaneously. 6*1. For Exilus mods exclusive to weapons, see Exilus Weapon Mods. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast . 3 / 80. Votes 23. Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. Press J to jump to the feed. Okay, so a few days ago I saw someone murder a tridolon with a Kuva Chakkhurr so I checked around and saw that its a great eidolon nuke. Comes with an additional bonus Impact, Heat, Cold, Electricity, Toxin,. Galvanized Chakkurr, 1 Million Burst DPS. Chance for getting at least one of a specific weapon in 30 rolls is about 85%. 8% Damage. 5) ★★★★★. It is an incredibly satisfying weapon. price: 1 platinum ⬌ Max. Area of Effect refers to weapons with an explosive or radial component that deals large damage in a spherical area around the point of impact, making them effective against hordes of enemies. Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. Necramechs are much stronger than any primary. Currently running telesto with saryn to get a kuva hekk. We already get to determine the elemental bonus of the Kuva weapon, it'd be nice to have control over the arsenal side of the RNG too in some manner. So we continue talking for an hour and he noticed I used the kuva chakkur right. Weapons & military 3D Models. Votes 6. Popular Kuva Chakkhurr Mods. 4; FormaShort; Guide. 135. • 2 hr. Incarnon Braton Prime. 5; FormaShort; Guide. Builds by jack94. Votes 85. Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. rubico all the way. Kuva Eidolon Hunter Chakkhurr. Weapons that can be obtained by vanquishing Kuva Liches. 2; FormaShort; Guide. Votes 23. Votes 21. While it reloads pretty slowly, it also reloads shots individually, meaning you can cancel the animation and still achieve a partial refill. by pierre0 — last updated 2 years ago (Patch 30. IGN: NoMoreFAIL, MR32, PC. Sick reload animation and all the benefits of a lich weapon (progenitor bonus + plenty of mod capacity). Question/Request. Is there a decent mod for Chakkhur with impact ? I couldn't find one on YouTube . Kuva Head Hunter Chakkhurr. Galvanized Chakkurr, 1 Million Burst DPS. both the Kuva Archguns, Ayanga and Grattler are pretty awesome as well. Considering that it's a weapon with a low firerate / high damage output, I was thinking about Heat & Corrosive, so that it can strip armor faster, since. This powerful Grineer burst rifle has been retrofitted to add semi-automatic and automatic firing modes. kuva chakkhurr with a riven mod in it. A lot of people don't like it because it's not hit scan it's projectile. 1 Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build enThe inital damage of the kuva chakkurr is impact only. It no longer requires spool-up to achieve maximum fire rate,.